Having a criminal record can make it very difficult to find employment and housing. Clear Your Criminal Record in LA can change that.
A person can have a record expunged if they complete probation and wait the proper time periods after an acquittal, dismissal or release on parole. A skilled expungement attorney can help.
If you have an expunged charge on your record, it will no longer be seen by public agencies or employers. However, private companies such as businesses that conduct background checks often create their own criminal history files based on public records and may show an arrest or conviction even after it has been expunged from your official record.
The rules on felony expungement vary by state and jurisdiction. Typically, you are eligible for an expungement if it has been at least a year since your conviction, your sentence did not involve time in state prison (county jail is okay), and you have completed all the conditions of probation.
Generally, you need to fill out paperwork, pay a filing fee and attend a hearing before the judge. There are many nuances to the expungement process and it is usually best for you to have a qualified attorney handle the case. Without legal representation, individuals often get denied their requests for expungement when prosecutors object to their petitions.
Sealing is similar to expungement, but it often refers to removing records from the public instead of destroying them. For example, in New York, when a person has their record sealed after a successful actual innocence motion (or an interest of justice motion), all electronic or paper records of that case are deleted and made unavailable to the general public. Police, prosecutors and judges can still access the records, but they arent available to anyone else.
Its important to understand the difference between sealing and expungement because these processes work differently in each state. Expungement is the more desirable option, but its not available for all arrests and convictions. The eligibility requirements and process vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, so its important that you have a law firm with experience working in your particular state. Some firms may make claims that they can expunge or seal any record, but their website might not disclose that they are only licensed to practice in Ohio or that they arent actually based in the state.
Our fees include all legal work, filing fee and court cost, service of process and court appearances if necessary. Louisiana does not destroy expunged records, but they are kept in a confidential file that only judges, law enforcement and state licensing agencies can access. The private employers, banks, and other business can still ask whether you have a criminal record but the record will reflect that it was dismissed or reduced to a misdemeanor.
The new California law will automatically seal conviction and arrest records for most people who have not committed any other crimes for four years. It will also expunge most juvenile convictions. However, those convicted of serious and violent felonies and those who require sex offender registration will not be eligible for expungement. The law will also not apply to records for a person who was sentenced to state prison time. In order to clear your record, you will have to petition the court.